
Lightning Talk

Your Swiss Army Knife for Kafka-based Applications

Imagine you need to prove that a certain record is actually present in a topic. Or you need to quickly copy one topic to another cluster. Or you need to fix a corrupted topic where the schema information is missing. Or one of your colleagues from analytics would like to have a topic in Parquet format, or a manager in Excel... To do these jobs, so far, you would often resort to scripting with the existing command-line tools from the Apache Kafka distribution, or, in more complicated cases, to writing your own Java or Python application. This can be so tedious and time-intensive that it can bring entire Kafka-based projects down. In this lightning talk, you will be thrown into the midst of a typical Kafka nightmare of corrupt topics and schemas, where the deadline for the qualification test looms and there is no time to spare. And we will show you how Kafi, your Open Source Swiss army knife for Kafka, can help you to get out of this horror trip quickly and easily, with just a few lines of Python code.

Ralph Debusmann
