
Breakout Session

The Architecture of Open Source Message Brokers

Kafka. RabbitMQ. Kinesis. NATS. Pulsar. And so many others. Which one should I use and why? This talk goes over the architecture of the different message brokers in depth, delves into their internals, and highlights the key tradeoffs to consider when choosing one over another.

In addition - we'll be comparing the latency, throughput, and scalability of these different brokers; we'll look at the OpenMessaging benchmarks for each of them. We'll mention some real world applications where each of them excel (like stock trading and event sourcing). We'll discuss some of the future directions each broker might go in.

If you are a developer who's worked with a message broker, but want to understand how it works - this talk is for you. If you want to be aware of the different options out there - this talk is for you.

Veeral Patel
