
Breakout Session

Getting Gory with Active-Active Multi-Region Disaster Recovery

Kafka is one of the most durable and reliable data systems in existence. Thousands of mission critical businesses have been ironing out the wrinkles over the last decade. Once you move your event driven apps or streaming pipelines out of the confines of a single region the route is not that well understood. Asynchronous replication and eventual consistency add several challenges irrespective of the technology you are using. Businesses have a strong desire to employ an active-active strategy to gain the benefits of data locality and to mitigate the blast radius of regional failures. When you sum this all up, you have yourself a complex challenge. In this talk, we will cover:

* The multi-region replication options and their pros and cons  

* Differences in streaming applications that drive design decisions  

* Pitfalls in application fail-over and fail-back  

* How to handle event oriented considerations like event ordering, exactly once, and aggregate state

   Although there are robust technologies in the Kafka ecosystem for multi-region replication, applications must be designed appropriately to achieve the benefits of active-active deployments. At the conclusion of this talk, you will be armed with patterns to help you achieve business continuity and the benefits of regional data locality with your data streaming applications.

Julie Wiederhold


Will LaForest
