
Breakout Session

Apache Kafka's Common Pitfalls & Intricacies: A Customer Support Perspective

As Apache Kafka gains widespread adoption, an increasing number of people face its pitfalls. Despite completing courses and reading documentation, many encounter hurdles navigating Kafka's subtle complexities.

  Join us for an enlightening session led by the customer support team of Conduktor, where we engage daily with users grappling with Kafka's subtleties. We've observed recurring themes in user queries: What happens when a consumer group rebalances? What is an advertised listener? Why aren't my records displayed in chronological order when I consume them? How does retention work?

  For all these questions, the answer is "It depends". In this talk, we aim to demystify these uncertainties by presenting nuanced scenarios for each query. That way you will be more confident on how your Kafka infrastructure works behind the scenes, and you'll be equipped to share this knowledge with your colleagues. By being aware of the most common misconceptions, you should be able to both speed up your own learning curve and also help others more effectively.

Aurelie Marcuzzo


Christoph Schubert
